Thursday 11-25-21

 Happy thanksgiving!!

“Dinner with the girls and some new ones”

For time

Angie house

20 pull-ups

20 push-ups 

20 sit-ups 

20 air squats 

Grettel  house

6 rounds 

3 clean and jerks 135/95

3 burpee over bar

Frans house 

15 thrusters 95/65

Barbara Ann house

10 hspu

20 deadlift 135/95

30 sit-ups 

40 double unders

Nancy’s house 

400m run

15 overhead squats 95/65

Kelly’s house 

400m run

30 box jumps 24/20

30 wall balls 20/14

Ingrids house

6 rounds

3 snatches 135/95

3 burpee over the bar


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