Tuesday 5-25-21

Tabata 4:00min

A. Hanging hollow position

B. Wall sit

Tabata 4:00min

A. Ring dip lockout

B. Plank row 

Hero wod “Richard Muldowney”

7 rounds 

10 burpees 

8 pull-ups 

6 box jumps 30/24

4 handstand push-ups 

2 ring muscle ups to 

- hang hollow - maintain tension through the hollow the whole :20 - switch to wall squat on the next set   Keep you back against the wall and knees parallel to your hips or slightly lower  

-ring lockout - also maintain tension through the hollow   Keep your heels tight together. Switch to the renegade rows.  You choose weight and you’re just rowing in the plank position. Try not to move your hips when doing these. 

“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.  Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.” Hans Margolius


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