Friday 9-17-21

5x3 - 1 1/4 back squats -  drop to the bottom of your squat, drive out until upper legs are parallel then back down to the bottom and out of the squat  


1:00 amrap for reps back squats 135/95

Right into 1 round 

10 pull-ups -25’ hsw- 10 kte 

Rest 1:00 min then

1:00 Amrap for reps of front squat 115/75

Right into 1 round 

10 pull-ups -25’ hsw- 10 kte 

Rest 1:00 minute then

1:00 min amrap for reps of overhead squat 95/65

Right into 1 round 

10 pull-ups -25’ hsw- 10 kte 

*score the reps of each of your squats and total time 


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