Friday 9-24-21

 Strength - 10-8-6-4-2 pendlay row - 15 min cap

Wod - 

400 m run - 2 legless rope climb 15’

400m run - 2 legless climbs - 8 parallette  pass through 

400m run - 2 legless climbs- 8 pass through - 15 chest to bar pull ups 

400m run - 2 legless climbs - 8 pass through - 15 chest to bar - 20 squat thrust to target

- Parallette pass through - start in a high plank and do a push-up, pass the legs through to a seated position and do a dip then back to high plank is 1 rep

- Squat Thrusts to target - start at a stand, jump back to plank, jump up and jump to target above arm length overhead.


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