Thursday 5-18-23

 For time 

2 rounds 

10 invert burpee - aka deck squat

10 kb goblet step ups 53/35 - 24/20

3 sand bag cleans 150/100

2 rounds 

10 box jump overs 30/24

15 kb goblet squats 

3 sand bag cleans 150/100

2 rounds 

10 burpee box jump overs 24/20

20 kb swings 53/35

3 sandbag cleans 150/100

- Score time to complete 

- deck squat- from standing position, drop to your squat then rock back on to your back rolling up onto your shoulders then swing your legs back under you and stand up  

Sandbag clean - pick the bag up and balance it onto your shoulders , then drop it back down in front of you  

Abe 19:04

Matt 14:56

James 20:32 rx

Stephen 15:45

Tristan 15:47 rx

Travis 17:59 125

MRk 21:14 rx

Jeff 16:26

Jesse 17:50

Nate 13:50

Logan 13:06 rx

AC 16:56 rx

Dean 14:15


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