Monday 11-13-23

 Wod - for time


Alternating db snatch 50/35

Toe to rings 

Into 16-12-8

Dbl db thrusters 50/35

Bar Pull ups

Into 12-8-4

Db alt s/a man makers 50/35 - burpee c&p

Strict Ring pull ups - pull the rings to center of the chest

Fiona 20:05

Abe 23:59

Chris F 26:08

Dan Q 22:40

Lee 22:01

Matt 23:05

TJ 25:30

James 22:33

Shawn 24;30

Cantlin - slow 40

Sean 20:53 rx

Nikki 19:45 scale

APril 15:48 20 scale

Jim B 19:38 45

Adam R scale

Lyle 24:29 scale

AC 18:15 rx


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