Monday 11-6-23
Strength -
4x8 incline db bench press
4x8 flat bench db lat pullover
wod - for time
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 - box step ups 20" - rx weighted vest
100ft dbl kb farmer carry between each sets
- carries 100 ft - down/back/down = 100 - choose your own weight
- step ups are total reps, not each leg, if you dont have a vest, you can use a long sandbag across your back. If you are wearing a vest you would keep it on during the carries.
Lee 14:57 rx
Shawn 17:02
Dan 18:07 rx
Abe 19:60 30” su
James 19:51 rx
Matt 16:12 rx
Frey 19:20 25 db
TJ 20:30 rx
Heather 15:45 rx
Lester 19:40 rx
Dan H welcome back
Dean 20:19 50
Logan 13:33
Lyle 19:28
Landon 19:36
Hailey 21:30
April 17:38
Mark 20:54
Ac 15:33 rx
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