Wednesday 10-28-20
24 min amrap dumbbell complex 55/40
2 single arm deadlift
1 single arm power clean
1 single arm push press
1 single arm overhead lunge - left leg
1 single arm overhead lunge - right leg
Repeat the same complex on the other arm
Then perform 10/8 calories on either
Row - assault bike - ski erg - bike erg - 1 lap carry 53/35
You must make an attempt to use all the equipment listed above during the workout. If the equipment is available when you’re ready, use it.
Workout goes Like this - perform the complex on your right arm, then perform complex on your left arm, then row. Perform complex on your right arm, then left, then ski. Right, left, bike. Right, left, carry.... and so on until 24 minutes are up. It doesn’t have to be in that order. Anyway you like.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” Arnold Schwarzenegger
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