Tuesday 10-20-20

 Hero WOD 2 “Tommy Mac” partner style

Each partner completes 2 rounds

12 burpees - 12 thrusters 115/75

12 burpees - 12 power snatch 115/75

12 burpees - 12 push jerks 115/75

12 burpees - 12 squat cleans 115/75

12 burpees - 12 overhead squats 115/75

Athlete 1 does the set of 12 burpees, then the barbell movement and then switches to athlete two. While the athlete performs the burpees, the other athlete must hold the barbell in the front rack position.  Once the burpees are performed, then the other athlete can drop the bar to get ready for their set of burpees when athlete one is done the barbell set.  Work until you both complete 2 rounds each all the way through.  

“Nothing in the world can trouble you as much as your own thoughts” - Unknown


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