Thursday 2-4-21

 Partner wod - :90 work :90 rest  1 goes, 1 rests to accumulate 300 reps

15/12 cal bike erg / max deadlifts 185/125

15/12 cal ski erg / max toe to bar

15/12 cal row erg / max bench 155/105

Athletes will work through the rotation of the 3 ergs and accumulate repetitions of the 3 exercises until they hit 300 reps. Partner 1 will do the work while the other rests. Then they switch.   When partner 2 finishes up the first athlete will move onto the next set of exercises.   Move through the 3 sets amrap until you get the 300. Score is the time when finished. 

10 rounds :15 work :15 rest  L sit 

“ to succeed in life you need 3 things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.” Reba McEntire 


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