Thursday 9-22-22

 Wod - 5 rounds every 2:00 with 1:00 rest

Round 1 - 15 bar facing burpees, max cleans 75/55

Round 2 - 15 bar facing burpees, max cleans 95/65

Round 3 - 15 bar facing burpees, max cleans 135/95

Round 4 - 15 bar facing burpees, max cleans 185/125

Round 5 - 15 bar facing burpees, max cleans 225/155

- score total cleans

Scale the burpees so you have around 1 minute to complete as many burpees as possible. 

Rest 5 minutes 

Strength 5x5 pendlay rows

Lester 29 - scaled

Sean 47 rx

Jeff 38 - 75/155 - 175

Jesse 31 - 75/155 - 235

Logan 45 - 55/105 - 90

AC - 47 rx

Dean 39 - 65/135 - 135

Justin 33 - 75/135 - 85

Kara 25 - 55/75 - 105

Lee 37 rx


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