Thursday 12-21-23

 Wod - for reps and rounds

Part A - 10 min amrap 

2-4-6-8-10-12… man makers 2x50/35

After each set complete 40 single unders

Rest 3 minutes

Part B - 10 min amrap 

10m-20m-30m-40m-50m…. Farmer carry 2x50/35

After each set complete 15 sit-ups 

- score rounds and reps

- manmakers are a burpee clean and press 

- add 10m per carry and 10m is from one tape line to the other    

Krista 5+5 - 8+4 rx

Jen PR 6 - 8+8 rx

Chris 5+8 rx - 7+1 rx

Dan Q 5+10 - 8 rx

Matt G 5+7 rx - 9 rx

TJ 5+9 - 6+10 40

James 5+6 rx - 8+12 rx

LEster 6+1 40 - 8+5 rx

Kara 5+10 75 s/a - 8+1 rx


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