Thursday 9-5-24

 Wod - Amrap partner style - you go I go

20 minutes

2 wall walks

10 pushups


10 goblet squats 53/35

10 american kb swings 53/35

- partner A completes the 2 ww + 10 pu, then partner B completes the 2 ww + 10 pu, THEN,

- Partner A completes the 10 gsq + 10 kbs, then partner B completes the 10 gsq + 10 kbs

- then you start over with the ww & pu, rest, 10 gsq & kbs until the 20 min are up

Jaren/Matt 10+30 rx

Dan/Shawn 8+13

Jen/Chris 7+50

Jamie - solo 5+1 30

Hailey/Peytan 8+12

Justin/Jesse 8+48

Logan/Heather 9+25

Lee/Kara 8+2


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