Monday 12-23-24

 Wod - for time adding one movement per round 

 12 days of Christmas 

1 Sumo deadlift high pull 75/55

2 Thruster 75/55

3 Push press 75/55

4 power cleans 75/55

5 power snatches 75/55

6 kb swings 53/35

7 pull his 

8 knee to elbow

9 box jumps 24/20

10 double unders 

11 burpees 

12 overhead lunges 45/25 plate

- the number before the exercise is the reps   The order works like this - 1 - 2,1- 3,2,1 - 4,3,2,1- 5,4,3,2,1 etc, until you finish the 12 days   


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