Thursday 12-19-24

Strength - 4x5 strict shoulder press

After each set complete 5 db lat pullovers  - go heavy

 Wod - for time


10m db farmer carry 2x50/35

3 wall walks after each set - finishing with 3 wall walks

-  tape to tape is 10m.  

Matt: 145 / 14:45 RX

Jaren: 185 / 14:11 RX

Angi R.: 75 / 18:23 RX

Abe: 17:49 RX

Dan: 16:43 RX

James: Participation Trophy

Lester: 16:35 RX 60#

Tony: 17:34 RX

Dan: 190* / 17:34 55#

Justin: 95* / 14:31 RX

Nicole: 55* / 18:00 35#

Lee: 150* / 15:59 RX


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