Tuesday 12-10-24

 Wod - Amrap

14 minutes

10 -12 -14-16 etc until time is up

wall balls 20/14

cal row

rest 5 minutes

3 rounds for time

15 back squats 135/95 - pull from the ground

15 bar facing burpees

Here is the full list of data extracted from the image:

Matt: 7+30 / 4:32 RX

Angi: 6+1 / 7:00

Jaren: 6+20 / 6:40 RX

Megan: 7+18 / 5:42 RX

Dan: 7+10 / 5:42 RX

Jen: 6+4 / 7:46

Abe: 6 / 8:00

Ben: 6+22 / 7:52

Frey: 7+10 / 8:56

James: 6+10 (*w/?) / 5:21 RX

Lester: 6+25 / 8:58 @115

Sean: 7+4 / 10:12

Logan: 7 / 7:44 RX

Peytan: 6+32 / 8:43 #05

Karen: 6+22 / 7:47 #55

Jesse: 8+5 / 9:51 RX

Ryan: 7+5 / 11:15 #115

Justin: 8+1 / 7:52 RX

Landon: 6+37 / 14:14 RX


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