Monday 12-12-22

 Wod - every 4:00 x 4 rounds 

50ft db oh walking lunge 1x 50/35 - switch halfway

26 alt db snatch 1x50/35

16 s/a db thrusters 1x50/35 - switch every 4

10 chest to bar pull-ups 

- max distance handstand walk/ wall walks 

Rest 2:00

 * score the wall walks / handstand walk distance

5 min rest after the last set

- Max height box jump - score 

Sean 5 ww rx 

Lee 5 ww rx

Hailey survived

Mike C 1 ww rx 37.5"

Jon K 1 ww band pu 36"

Dean 2 ww band pu 25# 20"

Dan 7 ww 25/35#

Tony  30ft hsw pu 30# 43"

Carl 170ft hsw rx 48"


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