Monday 10-28-24

 Strength - bench press 5-3-2-2-2

Wod - amrap

10 minutes 


Wall balls 20/14

Burpee to target 

- target should be at, or above your hand with arm extended overhead  

1. Ang: 95# / 7 rounds

2. Megan: 70# / 8 rounds + 21 reps

3. Chastidy : 75# / 6 rounds + 6 reps

4. Dan: 275# / 6 rounds + 16 reps

5. Frey: 355# / 9 rounds + 20 reps Rx

6. Matt: 235# / 7 rounds Rx

7. Shawn: 125# / 7 rounds Rx

8. TJ: 255# / 7 rounds Rx

9. Jaren: 275# / 9 rounds + 5 reps Rx

10. James: 235# / 6 rounds + 24 reps Rx+

11. FO: — / 7 rounds + 4 reps Rx

12. Cole: — / 8 rounds Rx

13. Sean: — / 7 rounds + 23 reps Rx

14. Lester: — / 7 rounds + 21 reps Rx

15. Logan: 8 rounds + 24 reps Rx

16. Mark: 7 rounds + 7 reps Rx

17. Heather: 120# / 8 rounds + 29 reps Rx

18. Kat: 90# / 7 rounds Rx

19. Kaylee: 85# / 8 rounds + 34 reps Rx

20. Sam: 110# / 7 rounds Rx

21. Landon: 215# / 7 rounds + 30 reps Rx


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