Thursday 1-27-22

  For reps - 20 min emom 

1 - :20 L sit

2 - 10 toe to bar

3 - max floor press @ 40% 1rm bench 

4 - 10 pendlay rows - same weight as floor press 

5 - rest

- set the J hooks at the height appropriate to unrack the weight when laying on the floor for the press.   When you get to the pendlay rows, pick the weight up off the rack and step back so the plates touch the floor for every rep of the row.  

*Score is your floor press reps with your weight 

Ang D 55# 88 rep

James 135# 105 rep

Jen 65# 71 rep

Sean 115# 113 reps

Mikey 125# 125 reps

Jason 100# 121 reps

Travis 100# 137 reps

Kelly 85# 61 reps

Brian Q 95# 63 reps

Carl 135# 106 reps

Lester 100# 101 reps

Where’s yours Dr Lee?


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