Wednesday 5-25-22

 Strength - 5x5 bench press @ 70% every 2 minutes 

Wod - for time

50 bench press @ 65% of your 5 reps above 

50 calorie row

50 toe to bar

Angie 18:04 / 85

Jen PR 17:00 / 65

Abe 21:15 / 205

James 22:10 / 205

Jacquie 15:30 / 85

David 145 - 12:19  t2b attempts

Heather 95 -11:15 rx

Kara 75 - 13:33 v-ups

Linzee 65 - 15:49 rx

April 65 - 9:54 v-ups

Dean 155 - 11;11 v-ups

Carl 245 


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