Wednesday 8-24-22

 Wod -  24 min emom 

Min 1 - 10/7 cal ski

Min 2 - 40’ tank pull 3/2

Min 3 - 6 box overs 44/40

Min 4 - max sandbag cleans 150/100

Min 5 - rest

Score - reps of sandbag cleans 

Note - stack two boxes together and secure with a band at both ends for the box overs.  Pull both directions on the tank and set it at 3 for men, 2 for ladies  

James 31 rx

Logan 46 - 75#

Heather 33 rx

Mark 21 rx

April 35 - 75#

Dean 26 - 100#

Nate K 35 - 100#

Jeff 25 - 125#

Tony 38 - 100#

Langdon - 40 - 40#

Carl 40 rx


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