Friday 2-9-24

 Strength - 5x2 overhead squats 

Wod - for time

15-12-9 knee to elbow

7 snatch 95/65 after each set

12-9-6 toe to bar

5 snatch 115/85 after each set 

9-6-3 toe to ring

3 snatch 135/95 after each set 

Angie 12:12

Krista 10:34

Dan Q 14:38 rx

Shawn 15:40

James 15:46 rx

Heather 150 - 11:12 rx

Tony 155 pr - 17:01 rx

Jamie J 135 - 14:43 rx

Lee 195 - 10:19 rx

Logan 115 - 13:22 rx

Dan H 185 - 14:06 was here :)

Kara 15:25 sit up mod rx weight

Ang R 60 - :)


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