Monday 2-12-24

 Wod - amrap 

3 min 

50 single db oh lunge 50/35

Max wall balls 20/14

Rest 90 sec

3 min

40 alt db snatch

Max wall balls 

Rest 90 sec

3 min

30 s/a db thrusters - switch every 5

Max wall balls 

Rest 90

3 min 

20 db alt devil press 

Max wall balls 

 score is the max wall balls over the 4 rounds 

Krista 82 rx

Chris 60

Dan 103

TJ 45

Matt 139 rx

James 89 rx+ 30 wb

Jamie 57

Blake 62 rx

Hailey 71 rx

Joe K 59 - 40

Logan 125 rx

Dean 42 - 30

Lee 59 rx

Dan H 45 rx

Landon 46 rx+ 70 db

AC 79 rx+ 30 wb

Kara 54 - 30 db


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