Tuesday 2-6-23

 Wod - bench mark Lynne

5 rounds of

Max bench press - body weight

Max pull ups 

Rest as needed between rounds. 

- bench press and pull-ups are done unbroken/failure 

You can take up to a minute between bench and pull up but rest as long as you need until the next bench. 

Score total reps per round 

Angie 34 - 110

Ariel 31 - 115

Jen 41 - 118

Krista 24 - 135

Fiona 45 - 95

Chris F 50rx - 325

Dan Q 52 rx -225

Matt G 67rx - 195

Shawn 24 - 125

James 46 rx - 265

Carl rx 50-43-39-30-20

Jimbo 185 22-22-22-22-12

Mikey rx 50-37-34-24-24

Cait 115 18-18-13-13-15

Dean 135 22-20-20-16-16

Heather 105 38-32-27-28-28

Jesse rx 30-27-21-22-20

Justin 155 29-27-26-24-23

Peytan 65 17-17-16-16-20

Sam 65 21-20-19-18-17

Jeff 135 24-26-21-20-17

Logan 100 27-21-19-17-15

Lester 155 28-26-25-19-18

Kara 85 12-17-16-14-14

Lee rx 35-33-33-35-21 


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