Wednesday 2-21-24

 Strength - clean complex - 6 rounds every 90 seconds - building

1 power clean + 1 low hang clean + 1 high hang squat clean 

- the second clean can be power or squat 

- low hang is below the knee, high hang is above the knee

wod - 16 min emom - 3 rounds

1. 12 chest to bar pull ups

2. 40 double unders

3. 7 cleans 155/105

4. max burpees over the bar

5. rest

6. rest

- score your complex and burpees

Angie 90 - 40

Cole 185 - 53

Shawn 100 - 41

Chris F 205 - 34

Dan Q 155 - 60

JP 185

Jaren 185 - 68

James 190 - 57 s/d/s

Jamie 175 - 61

Zach 69

Brandon 51

APril 85 - 44

Cailyn 100 - 46


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