Wednesday 2-14-24

 Strength - 5-3-1-1-1 push press

3-5 strict slow chin ups after each round

wod - 7 min amrap

1 pull up

2 push press 75/55

2 pull ups

4 push press 75/55

Continue with this rep pattern, adding 1 pull up and 2 push press each round.

- score push press and the rounds+reps.  

Chris 225 - 9+4

Cole 145

Dan Q 195 - 7+15 rx

Jarren 195 - 10 rx

James 225 - 9+20

Heather 130 - 10+18 rx

Lester 150 - 8+1 rx

Jeff 175 pr - 8 rx

Jason 185 - 8 rx

Hailey 115 - 7+12 rx

Sean 10 rx

Nikki 8+2 

Mikey 9+12 rx

Mark 8 ring row

Dean 7 band

APril 85 - 7+13 ring pu


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