Friday 2-11-22

 Strength - 10 min emom 

1 snatch high pull + 1 power snatch

Warmup to a weight you can use the whole set

Wod - every 3 minutes for 12 minutes complete

20 alternating db snatch 50/35

1 rope climb 20’

Rest the remaining time

*score your best and worst time

Nick 145#

Dan 205# - 1:00 / 1:08

David 95# - 1:45 / 2:00

Carl 155/170# - :52 / 1:02

Jeff 125# - 1:00 / 1:05

Lester 120# - 1:12 / 1:28

Mike L 145# - 1:00 / 1:07


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