Monday 2-7-22

 Strength - deadlift 8x2

5 box jumps between sets 24/20

Wod - “open 16.4.” 13 min amrap 

55 deadlifts 225/155

55 wall balls 20/14

55 calorie row

55 handstand push-ups 

*score rounds and reps - if you don’t finish the first round, score will be total reps 

Heather 265# - 197reps rx

LT 215# - 192r - 125# 2abmat

Sean 385# - 201 rx

Kelly 275# - 197 rx

Lester 205# - 177 rx

Linzee 150# - 190 mod

Mike C 405# (455 1rep pr) 167 rx

Jen P 175# - 155 - 105#

Nate 255# - 45 rx

Jeff 335# - 165 rx

Dan 495# - 183 rx

David L 245# - 175 95#

Lee 385# - 202 rx

BQ 210# - 140 140#

Mark S 385# - 179 shoulder press 


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