Monday 2-28-22

 3 x 2:00 rounds / 1:00 rest

10 power snatch 95/65

Max calorie row 

Rest 2 minutes

3x 2:00 rounds / 1:00 rest

10 hang power cleans 95/65

Max cal assault bike

Rest 2 minutes

3x 2:00 min rounds 

10 front squats 95/65 - from the ground 

Max cal ski erg

- score your calories on each piece of equipment 

Lester 62-64-78

Mark 40-73-60

Nate 39-39-56 75#

Tony 23-71-51

Hwan 37-47-45

Dean 47-43-39 65#

David 57-33-47

Dan 70-56-70

Jeff 72-70-60


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