Thursday 2-10-22

 Partner wod -

On a running clock start with a buy in of

2000m row - split how you like with partner 

Then into a 20 min amrap of  you go I go

5 burpee to target - 

3 bar muscle ups 

1 sandbag over shoulder 150/100

- athlete two will be accumulating calories on the assault bike during the working set above for athlete one. Then switch each round. 

* score rounds, reps, and calories on AB 

Burpee to target should be something above your hand at full overhead extension.  Rings.. rig.. etc 

James/Jen PR - 16 rds 157 cal

Angie/JP - 18 rds 135 cal

Jeff/Mike C/ Lee - 27:45 8 rnds 155 cal

Nate / Jen - 28:50 11+15 109 cal c2b 100/75

Sean/ Lester / Kelly 8 rounds 166 cal


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