Friday 1-20-23

 Wod - 16 min amrap

3-6-9-12-15… increasing in 3 until time up

db front squat 2x50/35

db hang power clean 2x50/35

db single arm snatch 1x50/35

200m run 

Gymnastic skill - 6x5 low ring eccentric muscle ups  

- note - alternate your snatch -  L+R=2 reps

200m run is at the end of each increasing set 

ABe 15 - row

James 15 - assault bike

Sean 15+18 - 12 cal ab

Hailey 12+18 - 10 cal ab - 25#

Lester 15+15 - 12 cal ab - 40#

Jeff 15+23 40#

Kara 12+25 rx

Dean 12+17 - 35#

Logan 15+3 rx


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