Monday 4-24-23

 Strength - 

4x6  barbell Z press

4x8 barbell Pendlay row

Wod - for time

500/400m row


Handstand push-ups 

Knee to elbow 

Barbell hang high pull 45/33

500/400m row 

Note - bbhhp starts with the bar about mid thigh and you can use hip momentum to pull bar to below chin  

Abe 15:01 zpress/bbhp 75

Matt 12:37 zpress/bbhp 75

James 14:13 zpress/bbhp 95

Heather 11:20 rx

Sean 11:24 rx

Lester 12:34 1ab

Jeff 16:58 2ab kteatt

Mark 14:53 zpress kteatt

Nate 12:34 kteatt bhspu

Hailey 14:11sc

Jon k 13:16 kteatt

Lee 15:42 rx

Hardik 20:03 sc


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