Thursday 4-20-23

 In honor of 4/20

Wod - for time

400m run

20 walking lunges 

20 push-ups 

400m run

20 db snatch l/a 50/35

20 db snatch r/a 50/35

400m run

20 weighted box step ups  24/20 2x50/35

20 toe to bar

400m run

20 s/a man maker switch 1/2 way - aka burpee clean thruster

20 Ring dips 

400m run 

20 handstand push-ups 

20 box jumps 24/20

Matt 30:52

James 33:34

Jacquie 31:50 rx

Mikey 29:31 rx

Mark 33:24

Nate 32:10

Logan 26:10 rx

Jesse 27:24 pike

Justin 27:19 40# s up pike

Jeff 31:51

Dean 33:06

Kara 34:59 band dip 2 ab

Hailey 29:03 sc


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