Tuesday 4-11-23

 Wod - for time

2 rounds -

100 dubs 

15 handstand push-ups 

10 power cleans 115/80


3 rounds -

30 dubs 

5 squat clean thruster 155/105

Rest 5 minutes 

Strength - 5 x 1 squat clean thruster

- build off of the wod weight for the strength sets. 

Abe 19:56

Jp 21:50 rx

Matt 20:13

James 18:56

Carl 9:58 rx

Paige 15:35

Hailey 17:03

Lester 18:10

Heather 12:25 rx

Dean 15:01

Nate 15:10

Jesse 13:45

Logan 13:54 rx


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