Tuesday 3-26-24

 Wod - E3MOM x 4

10 s/a db hang clean l/a 50/35

10 s/a db hang clean r/a 

20 box step ups 24/20

Max calories assault bike 

Rest 3 minutes 

E3MOM x 4

10 s/a db push press l/a

10 s/a db push press r/a

10 burpee box jumps 24/20

Max sit ups 

- score the bike cals and sit-ups 

The rest is only taken between the two different emoms 

Angie 208 30#

Krista 136 rx

Jen 190

Jaren 238 rx

Chris 122

Shawn 126

TJ 93

James 165 rx

Heather 47/159 rx

Cailyn 121 rx

Lester 168 rx/40

Nikki 138 20#
Sean 191 rx

Jeff 81/108 40#

Justin 89.1/81 129 45

Jesse 101.5/81 rx

Nate 61/100 40#


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