Tuesday 3-5-24

 Strength - 10-8-6-4-2 - every 2 minutes

1. Bench press 

2. Pendlay Row - barbell row pull from the ground every rep

Perform all the bench press before moving on to the pendlay rows.  try to keep all the sets within the 2 minute window

wod - 5 rounds for max reps

3 minutes - 1 min rest

500/450m row

max bench press @ % of 2rm above

1 - 60%

2 - 50%

3. 45%

4. 40%

5. 35%

Angie 46 rep/45

Krista 50 rep/85

Dan 69rep /185

Jaren 90 rep/185

Chris 355

Matt 225

Shawn 53 rep/85



James 82 rep/185

Angela R 50/60 - 97r

April 95/100 - 100r

Dean 165/135 - finished

Heather 110/115 - 111rx

Jeff 185/215 - 102rx

Jesse 335/225 - 82rx

Justin 205/205 - 138r

Peytan 90/85 - 123rx

Karen 85/85 - 109 rx


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