Thursday 6-13-24

 Strength -  bench press 


Wod - emom - 3 minutes 

20 Barbell row 75/55

10 bench @ 40-45% of 3rm or 135/95

Rest 90 sec

Emom - 3 minutes 

15 barbell row 95/65

10 bench press 

Rest 90 sec

Emom - 3 minutes 

10 barbell row 115/75

10 bench press 

Rest 90 sec

Amrap - 1 minute 

Barbell row 135/95

- score bench press weight and amrap rows 

- both the bench and rows are to be performed within the minute on the emoms. 

Krista 115 - 30 rx

Peytan 85 - 18 rx

Jen 115 - 30 rx

Dan 265 - 59 rx

Matt 225 - 26 rx

Chris 365 - 50 rx

TJ 265 - 16

Jaren 285

Logan 105 - 28 rx

Angela R 80 - 30

Dan H 245 - 29 rx

Jesse 325 - 48

Kara 95 - 23

Lee 275 - 32


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