Tuesday 3-8-22

 Strength -  7x2 crook squat - ( barbell in the crook of your bent arms.)  score weight

Wod - for time -

50 double unders

15 back squats 115/75 

15 strict pull-ups 

50 dubs 

12 front squats 115/75

12 pull-ups (butterfly/kip)

50 dubs

9 overhead squats 115/75

9 chest to bar pull-ups 

50 dubs 

6 thrusters 115/75

6 bar muscle ups 

*- Barbell movements pulled from the ground -

Angie D 14:34 sc

Emina C 113# 14:55 sc

James 265# 16:18 sc

Carl 235# 10:39 rx

Lester 14:52 115/95 singles Boxmu

Kelly 10:05 rx

Heather 175# 9:17 3bmu

Hailey 120# 15:36 single 75#

Nate 135# 13:06 85#

Jen 100# 11:21 55# single Pu

Mike C 205 14:14 single ??

Sean 205# 10:50 rx

Lee 205# 10:24 rx


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