Tuesday 10-18-22

 Wod - for time


Jumping pull-ups 

Body weight forward lunge

Double unders 

* 50 ft handstand walk between each sets or 5 wall walks 

- note - 

 jumping pull-ups - use a box to stand on and your head should be about 6” from the pull-up bar. Start with arms fully extended and jump your chin above the bar, come back to starting position with a little control.    

Forward lunges - L&R leg = 2 reps 

Scale the dubs with singles doing double the reps 

Angie 23:24

James 25:08

Sean 17:00 rx ww

Lester 18:15 singles

Hailey 18:36 singles

Logan 15:10 singles 

April 17:31 singles

Linzee 21:18 rx ww

Dean 18:39 singles

Jeff 17:36 singles

Jesse 19:39 singles

Dan 18:19 rx ww

AC 16:54 rx hsw


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