Thursday 12-1-22

- Wod - 

 7 min amrap

10 wall ball 20/14 - 10/9

10 wall ball sit-ups 20/14

- Rest 2

5 min amrap

8 wall balls 

5 power snatch 135/95

- Rest 2

3 min amrap 

6 wall balls

10 slam ball 30/20

- Rest 5 

Strength - 5 x1 power snatch 

- wall ball sit-ups -  ball touches floor above your head and sit-up to reach between your feet with the ball for a full rep  

- score each round separately and your strength set max

JP 6/3+11/4

Abe 5/4/4

James 6/3+11/4

Lester 6+4/3+12/3+10 95 snatch

Heather 8/3/4+7 rx

Dean 5+3/3/3+2 - 14-95-20 - 115

Jeff 8+14/4+10/4+4 - 95 - 135

Jesse 8/4+9/4+8 - 95 - 125

Logan 9/5/4 - 65 - 90

Jon K 7+11/3+9/4+1 - 115 - 145

Tony 6+17/3+2/3 - 95 - 135


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