Tuesday 11-22-22

 Wod - for time

3 rounds

15 sit-ups

9 toes to bar

3 clean and jerks 135/95


2 rounds 

30 sit-ups 

15 toes to bar

6 cleans and jerks 155/105


1 round 

45 sit-ups 

21 toe to bar

9 clean and jerks 185/125

Rest 3

Strength - clean and jerk 

Set of 3

Set of 2

Set of 1 

Angie 18:43

James 19:02 rx - 215 pr

Sean 18:39 rx 155-185-225

Lester 21:09 155

Mikey 22;15 rx

Heather 18:48 rx 130-135-145

Logan 17:52 85-95-105

Kara 21:56 65-75-85 knee tuck 115-135-155

Dean 19:52 knee tuck 115-135-155

Jeff 24:05 115-135-135 / 135-155-165 pr

AC 20:20 rx


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