Tuesday 7-9-24

 Wod - for time 

6 rounds 


Clean and press 

9 chest to bar pull ups 

30 double under / 60 singles

- 2 rounds of 15 95/65

- 2 rounds of 9 135/95

-2 rounds of 3 185/125

Chastidy 18:44

Ang 18:34

Krista 17:22

Megan 22:20 rx

Bob 26:50

Dan 20:52

Shawn 20:35

Jaren 18:55

James 18:16 rx

Heather 19:09 rx

Jamie 23:38

Lester 19:36 95/115

Logan 19:17 rx

Peytan 18:1365/80 jpu 

Jesse 18:53 95/145

Jeff 20:50

Karen 17:18

Mark 20:57 95/145


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