Thursday 8-29-24

 Wod - emom 

8 rounds of -  20 sec to complete 3 power cleans 95/65

Rest 1 min

8 rounds of - 20 sec to complete 3 ground to overhead - c&j or snatch 95/65

Rest 1 min

8 rounds of - 20 sec to complete 3 thrusters 95/65

Rest 90 seconds 

Max reps in 2 minutes of  clusters 135/95

- Cluster is a squat clean to overhead press 

- score the reps in the last round.  

Ang 10

Jen 8

Chris 9 rx

Dan Q 12 rx

Jaren 13 rx

Matt 10 rx

James 15 rx

Logan 16 rx

Lester 10 - 85/65

Peytan 10 - 75

Kara 8 rx

Heather 13 rx


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