Wednesday 4-24-24

 Wod - for time

500m run 

30 kb swings 53/35

30 knee to elbow

30 push ups

400m run

20 kb swings

20 knee to elbow

20 push ups

300m run

10 kb swings

10 knee to elbow

10 push ups

200m run

- 500m run- start out the back as normal to the 400m mark and on your way back, run to the front of the building and around the building to the back door

-300m run- around the building

Angie 15:34 row

Jaren 11:39 rx

Shawn 17:34

Dan 15:16 rx

Chris 17:40 bike

James 17:22 rx vest

MC 20:21 ku 40/30/20

Mikey 19:07 rx

April 16:01

Cailyn 18:44 rx

Jeff 18:34 rx


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