Monday 1-29-24
Partner wod - for time
40 rounds - you go I go
4 wall ball squat clean toss - 20/14 10ft/9ft
4 pull ups
4 burpee to target
4 alt db snatch 50/35
- wall ball target is the same per usual, just start with the ball touching the ground and squat clean it before tossing it to the target.
- burpee to target just has to have target higher than arm extended overhead
Dan Q/Matt G 31:36 rx
Shawn/fiona/james 37:17
Chris F/ TJ 37:20
Sean/ Lester 33:35 rx+ 70/55
Jim/Jill 40:09 scale
Lee//Tony 40:30 rx+70/rx
Landon/Joe K 40:13 rx
April/AngR 35:55 scale
Hailey/Peytan 34:59 scale
Logan/Heather 31:09 rx+ 50
AC/Kara 33:22 rx+70/scale 35
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