Tuesday 1-23-24

 Strength - 2-2-2-2-2 - hang squat cleans

wod - for calories

3 rounds

1:00 ski

1:00 rest

1:00 row

1:00 rest

1:00 assault bike

1:00 rest

- you can complete this in any order, with 1 minute of work, following 1 minute of rest. 

- score the calories and strength

Angie 90

Krista 131

Matt 200 - 155#

James 165 - 190#

Shawn 123 - 115#
TJ 156

Jen 133 - 105#

Dan 207 - 155#

Chris 235

Fiona 100

JP :)

Dean 128 - 125#

Dan H 154 - 205#

Jesse 212 - 155#

Jeff 177 - 175#

Sam 139 - 80#

Lee 199.7 - 255#

Justin 189.2 - 135#

Sean 186

Lester 188

Mark 196

Chad S 134

Karen 107 - 80#


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