Wednesday 1-31-24

 Strength - 6 sets

2x2 front squat @ 95% of 1 rm fs

4x4 back squat with the same weight

wod - amrap "The Chief"

5x3 min rounds

3 power cleans 135/95

6 push ups

9 air squats

rest 1 minute between sets

- score weight and rounds

Bob 245 - 21+28

Shawn 145 - 21+24

Dan Q 255 - 24+12

Chris F 225 - 17+7

TJ 205 - 18+18

James 225 - 25+6

Heather 185 - 6+5/5+1/5+1/5+1/4+9 rx

Logan 165 - 5+9/6+1/5+9/5+9/5+3 rx

Jason 195 - 4+9/4+9/4+2/4/4+3

Cantlin 4+1/3+9/3+6/4+2/4

Jim G 3+12/3+12/3+12/4/4

Mark 3+1/3+5/3+6/3+3/3+4

Tony 225 - 4+12/4/3+7/3/3

Jeff 195 - 4+9/4+4/4/4/4

Kara 175 - 3+16/4/3+9/3+10/4+4 85

April 115 - 4+14/4+11/4+5/4+3/4+3 60


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